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Hello, I am happy you made it here.

My Kitchen is my creative space. A place to play and heal by experimenting with food. 
Welcome to my kitchen! My creative space where food allergies and intolerances are overcome by getting creative with food. 

I was born with very sensitive digestion and food allergies (Thanks Dad). Growing up I got tired of others telling me how difficult I was to cater for and how plain my food was. You can only imagine how much havoc this can play on a young child. 


Curious and determined I learned how to cook from scratch using lots of natural, raw ingredients. And you can too! Don't let cooking from scratch scare you. The popularity of Paleo diets, Coconut Water and Nut Mylks means Wholefood cooking and allergy friendly products have become very trendy and much more accessible than ever before. 
Finally food is evolving in a way that accepts all of us!  

If you have issues with food and feel isolated, it's ok. I get it :-)

Let me share with you a common ground that includes both food, friends and becomes a positive experience that fits naturally into your life.  


So, bring on unfamiliar ingredients, warm ovens and well used pans! As I encourage you to make your own kitchen a place for experimenting, learning and healing through food. A Prana Kitchen. I look forward to sharing this journey with you. 




Want to get in touch? No worries, Contact me Here. 

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